eduClick is an innovative educational organisation which has a sole focus on the VCE Vocational Major (VCEVM). We focus on content, courses and advice to help all schools with their programs.
Yes we are an RTO, https://training.gov.au/Organisation/Details/91530
We specialise in delivering micro credentials to schools. So in essence these are short course incursions which focus on real industry skills.
Our courses we specialise in include construction white card, RSA, Food handlers, First Aid and Financial literacy for VCEVM students.
No sorry we do not. We only deliver to school groups and only deliver to VCEVM school groups. Contact us if you have any questions.
Costs vary depening upon the school and what a school requires however it is always to reach out to us as we have options for all schools.
All resources are delivered to schools by the start of the school year. We pride ourselves on getting teachers content to schools by the start of the year.
If a school orders resources during the year we generally have a 5-day turnaround.
No, we don’t sell single copies of student resources. All of our materials have been designed for individual student use and content cannot be photocopied or reproduced in any way (usness eduClick give permission).